This article presents DeclaraRS, a multi-platform approach to herd declaration by rural producers in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. DeclaraRS uses a hybrid web architecture, allowing rural producers to declare herds online or offline, anywhere and anytime. DeclaraRS transforms herd declaration from a time-consuming and error-prone task into a (semi-)automated and less bureaucratic task that generates strategic information. By automating the declaration, government technicians end up performing fewer manual and tedious tasks, while increasing educational tasks, aiming at productivity gains on rural properties. Managers benefit from using up-to-date information about herds, helping to make strategic decisions considering public policies. DeclaraRS was evaluated by developing a functional prototype, the application of the TAM questionnaire to assess acceptance, and interviews with rural producers, agricultural technicians, and public managers. The results are encouraging and show the potential use of the proposed approach in a real context.